If you are around the Long Beach, CA area you may inquire here about scheduling an in-person session or group event.

ENERGY HEALING virtual 1:1

Energy exists outside the boundaries of time and space. Virtual healing sessions are done through video calls and can be even more healing than in person because they are in the comfort of their own space, allowing one to open up and go deeper.  

Each session starts with a chat to discuss any areas of the body or life the client would like to address. Heceliza will intuitively use different tools such as guided meditations, conscious breathing, sound instruments, crystals, and music to guide the receiver to a restful state before the Reiki portion of the session. The client will lie down to receive life force energy, concentrating on relieving one mentally and emotionally while also balancing the chakras. There will be time to discuss what came up, channeled messages, pull an oracle card, and share any tips and takeaways before the session ends.

A virtual session lasts 70 minutes.

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BREATHWORK virtual 1:1

Through a period of continuous and active breathing, one is able to open up, access trapped energy and emotions and even reach a non-ordinary state of consciousness, releasing stress, tension, and trauma stored in the body to promote overall well-being. 

Each session starts with a chat to discuss any areas of the body or life the client feels stuck energy and would like to address. They will be actively breathing for about 25-35 minutes with an additional 10 minutes of normal-paced breathing at the end. Reiki will be given towards the end of the breathing journey. There will be time to discuss what came up and any tips and takeaways before the session ends.

A virtual session lasts 80 minutes.

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Whether in a love or professional partnership, this can help heal and/or strengthen the energy between two people. Heceliza will intuitively curate the session with Breathwork as the main practice, Reiki, and other tools and modalities. Sometimes verbal expression can be difficult, but when two people consciously breathe and release together, they can reach multiple levels of healing. Just the act of journeying together can help two people grow closer.  

A virtual session lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes.



A great way to connect with your friends, partners, family, co-workers, or team members. Gather your circle for breathwork, guided meditations, energy healing only, or a combo. It could be around a theme like the full moon or goal/intention setting. Celebrate in ceremony to honor a birthday, special occasion, bride, or mother-to-be. Inquire with Heceliza to customize your event which can include Reiki, Breathwork, guided meditation, card pulls, sound healing, and other modalities and tools. A group video call option is a great way to connect with your people no matter how far apart you are.



 IT’S TIME TO connect TO OUR body, emotions, and intuition

TO MAMIMIZE OUR potential WITH INNER peace AND balance.


We can never become who we’re destined to be if we stay exactly as we are. You have to start somewhere.