The onset of my spiritual journey wasn’t burnout, even though I was living in New York City and worked in corporate fashion. After completing my MBA, my goal was always to work in the industry and only after a few years I realized it wasn’t for me anymore. I was sitting in a meeting one day and it suddenly hit me—I was not going to help the world one handbag at a time. This was enough for me to leave my “dream job” and book a one-way ticket to Bali.

MY journey

There weren’t any events or stressors that pushed me away from fashion. I didn’t hit rock bottom, but I knew I wanted to call in a more purposeful life. It just so happened that Jupiter was transiting my sun and rising sign of Scorpio in 2017. The timing was all right after I had taken this new leap. Leaving a city where I thought I was starting to build upon all I imagined my ideal life would be like since I was younger - climb the corporate ladder and live like Sex and the City.

Now I was looking for deeper fulfillment and trying to build something of my own. With all of that Jupiter luck on my side, I chose to explore tools that would help me manifest my best life. Without realizing it, I gravitated toward energy healing modalities that allowed me to embody my most authentic self and call in what truly aligns for me. I was able to manifest a life as a serial entrepreneur, building brands and products with a focus on health, wellness, people, and the planet. My husband and I worked from our laptops, waking up in different cities all over the world. 

The depths of my spiritual exploration pushed me into an unplanned path of intuition, spiritual growth, and healing from my high-strung, anxious, overly type-A self that left NYC. My travels brought me to renowned teachers where I learned to use the Akashic Records, Human Design, and even a pendulum to support my inner guidance in business and life. I quickly realized how natural and fulfilling it was to help others with their own healing and inner growth. 


At the start of the pandemic in 2020, I began giving individual and group energy healing sessions online and saw firsthand how powerful and effective distance healing could be. I was able to expand my clientele worldwide. Now, as a Reiki Master Teacher and Breathwork facilitator, I use these and other healing modalities to energetically release, realign, and reconnect people from within so they can tap into their inner healer and inner guide. 

There’s a new emergence happening within people. We’re realizing that it’s time to let go of what isn’t working any longer and that it’s okay to step into the unknown. Whether it’s breaking trauma passed down through generations or embracing the feminine energies after operating in the masculine for so long. I’m here to guide you through it.

Today, I call Long Beach home. Along with my husband, we renovated an entire home consciously choosing sustainable and eco-friendly materials, feng shui for good energy, and limiting daily hormone disruptors. And with other spiritually-led projects on the horizon, I am a true testament to the power of energy healing… now it’s your turn.

Xx, Heceliza A double Scorpio, moon in Taurus, 2/4 Generator

Work With Me

MY intentions

01. To empower you to be your own healer.

02. To empower you to be your own guide.

03. To empower you to find peace and balance while still striving for all you desire.

BROWSE offerings