You are your own healer. You are your own guide.

The power of the breath!

Where you can quickly access a non-ordinary state of consciousness. And that’s when the magic happens….

RELEASE THOSE happy hormones

This Breathwork style is facilitated as an active breathing technique (two parts inhalation through the mouth and one-part exhalation through the mouth). This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, putting the body in a relaxed state. When tasked with a constant breathing pattern, the brain is able to get quiet, stopping the internal chatter which quickly releases a rush of endorphins and the “feel good” hormone oxytocin. Since the brain isn’t thinking, the gut and heart are able to communicate with other organs—so you can more easily identify and process stuck emotions and energy, allowing for healing on multiple levels.

Studies show that conscious breathwork can help balance the body, mind, and spirit while reducing responses to stress. This practice is one of the most impactful, releasing trauma, energetic blocks, and limiting beliefs so you can live more authentically yourself. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, empowering you to access your body’s own innate intelligence.

“With her guidance, even after just one class, I was able to find ease, happiness and clarity on many levels. I left the session feeling elated and calm at the same time. She truly embodies tranquility and serenity and she transfers that feeling so beautifully.”

- Client testimonial